Organization: IMA International
Registration deadline: 12 Oct 2015
Starting date: 19 Oct 2015
Ending date: 30 Oct 2015
Managing for development results
This practical course is for development practitioners with programme and/or project experience, who want to know how the stages of projects can be structured and managed more effectively and efficiently to enhance development results.
Why choose this course
This course will help you to better understand Project Cycle Management (PCM) thinking and practices from a results and evidence based approach. As IMA International’s foundation course it introduces and explains each of the core stages of the project and/or programme cycle, identifying and addressing critical design, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation issues that are important to understand and manage. At each stage of the cycle useful tools and techniques are introduced and practised, in a training setting, as well as in field-based exercises.
Whether you work in the field or a central office, you will learn how to design, implement, and monitor and evaluate the project cycle based on a results-based approach. This will give you greater focus and confidence to help your team achieve better results. Facilitated by participatory practitioners with extensive field experience, this course encourages learning by exchanging ideas and experience with other course participants.
What you will learn
Through a mix of practical activities, theory, examples of effective practice and off-site visits you will learn to:
- understand the importance of PCM and a results-based approach to designing, planning, implementing, and M&E a project or programme
- identify, explain and use appropriate techniques and tools for different stages in the project cycle, including the results chain, logic model, Theory of Change, logical framework, and concept note and business proposal
- ensure effective project implementation management
- ensure effective monitoring and evaluation l support and manage project teams to achieve enhanced project results
- recognise and strengthen learning, adjusting and decision making for better results
- do a practical case scenario in the field then analyse and make management decisions using the techniques and tools you have learned.
For more informaiton please visit, call us on +44 (0) 1273 833030, or send us a message to
How to register:
Fill out our online application form
The registration deadline indicated on this ReliefWeb page is the applicable registration deadline for this advertisement, even though it differs from the registration deadlines indicated on the training’s website and/or the document attached to this advertisement
Places are on a first come, first served basis.