This eight-week online course brings together tried and tested techniques to design relevant Real-Time Monitoring systems for adaptive projects and programmes. By learning how data and information can help make evidence-based decisions, staff will have the enthusiasm to gather, analyse and use information in their projects while providing quality ongoing formative evaluation for organisation policy makers. Alongside innovative, flexible methods for tracking real-time progress, we show you how to analyse and present data to efficiently manage output progress and the higher outcomes. Both qualitative and quantitative methods will be explored, and their powerful combination utilised.
It is essential that participants have knowledge of current M&E practice. A functional knowledge of basic spreadsheet use (e.g., MS Excel) would also be useful, you will be working in groups, improving your own project monitoring systems and sharing with your group and tutors.
What you will learn:
- Open exploration using cognitive mapping
- Strong and agile project theory
- A move to ongoing, formative evaluation
- Use of comparative monitoring in real-time (RTM) at all levels of the results chain
- Internal reviews (ALEX) for qualitative learning
- Design and control of systems at project levels; reflection and guidance from headquarters
Course Content:
Module 1: Key Concepts and Action Learning Model
Module 2: Understanding the Context of Interventions
Module 3: Introduction to Real Time Monitoring
Module 4: ATOM Development
Module 5: RTM Weighted Indexes (WEDEX)
Module 6: Calibrated Judgement Scales - Developing and Using Assessment Sheets
Module 7: Theory of Change Overview
Module 8: Learning and Communicating
How long: This 8-week programme will take between 30-40 hours to complete, including: contact hours, self-study and reflection, peer work and pre and post course learning
You are awarded a PMT certificate after completing the course and fulfilling all course criteria.
How to register
Apply Online
Contact for any questions